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YEAR 11 AND 12

Staff at Leighland invest in the students both educationally and emotionally, strongly supporting them in their faith. This commitment on the part of the staff creates an environment where students and teachers can work very closely together, creating a culture where our students achieve very strong academic results.  The School is committed to them growing into emotionally strong balanced young adults who are capable of finding their own way forward in life.


Years 11 and 12 are offered at the Ulverstone Campus for students participating in the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE).  The TCE is issued by the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) which is responsible for the assessment and certification of Senior Secondary TCE syllabuses in Tasmania.


To obtain the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE), students must complete the equivalent of a two-year program of senior secondary studies, develop and review plans for their future, and meet a set of standards for everyday adult Numeracy, Literacy and ICT.  Studies can include Vocational Education and Training (VET) competencies and certificates, traineeships and apprenticeships.

Subject areas offered at Leighland Christian School can be found in the 2020 Handbook for Year 11 & 12 by clicking on the link below. 






Principal  |  Mrs Elizabeth Scheu

40 Main Road, Wivenhoe

P. 03 6430 9000



Principal |  Dr Katrina McNab

45A Leighlands Ave. Ulverstone

P. 03 6425 0999


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